Nambé Designers

Todd Weber has spent many years enjoying the wonders of the southwest, from boating the serene lakes and exciting river rapids to exploring the hidden canyons and forested mountains. Inspired by the beauty that is created by wind, water and time, he has skillfully integrated the shapes of nature into his work. Possessing an intuitive sense of design, Todd, a self-taught artist, has been creating sculptures and jewelry since 1974, turning wood, stone and metal into unique art forms. Over the last three decades, his work has been shown in numerous shops, galleries and gift catalogs. Since 1976, Nambe´ has, at various times, featured Todd's work. His sculpting style has timelessly lent itself well to the smooth, flowing lines that are Nambé.
Todd's comments on design:
I am inspired by the stunning beauty of nature's way of integrating shape and dimension. I visualize in my sculpting a scaling down of massive land forms, the smoothing of stone, the play of sunlight on water, the simplistic, yet perfect, clean lines, infused and blended, and always inviting to the touch".